Learning To Soar
When I was a little girl; I loved to sing. I especially loved singing with my Mom and spending time with her. Mom shared with me the music in her heart and I took to it instantly. We had “music time” together, and she taught me songs, “On The Good Ship Lollipop” is one I remember, Shirley Temple being a favorite. I loved the feeling of singing, the physical sensation of my voice lifting and soaring up to the high notes. I also loved that singing allowed me to dream and fantasize and tell stories. I loved singing harmonies with Mom. She later told me this was unusual for such a little girl, to hear and sing those harmonies, but I was enamored with the sound and it came naturally. I remember in first grade, my teacher Mrs. Smith taught us patriotic songs like “America The Beautiful”. I wasn’t shy at all and let it rip, singing loudly above the other children and loving the feeling of letting my voice soar.
Going to church was a big part of my family’s life and I am so grateful for this part of my upbringing. My Mom was the choir director and had me singing solos at a very early age. I don’t remember the exact title of the song, but remember singing at a Sunday evening service, “Oh be careful little feet where you go…” and I wasn’t nervous at all, it was just fun! Singing at church was such an amazing experience and the songs came into every cell of my being. A deep knowing took place: a soul connection with music and God. I learned that singing could be a prayer and lift spirits, of those singing and those listening alike.
A few years ago I came across a picture of my Mom directing the choir at Elk Grove First Baptist Church. This is such a gem of a picture, capturing a precious moment in time. You can see, on each face, the enthusiasm with which they are singing; they are singing their hearts out. Some with heads thrown back, letting it rip, feeling their voices soar. Some of the singers in the picture, including Mommy, have gone on to heaven. I believe they are still singing in a heavenly choir; lifting spirits; soaring and singing their hearts out.
These days I sing at the Methodist church in the Pacific Palisades. One of my favorite and most fun things I get to do is sing harmonies with Joel Dalton. Here we are singing “Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes”.
Do you remember when music first touched your heart? Have you ever experienced the feeling of soaring; your spirits lifted by song? Where else in life do you “let it rip” so you too can soar? Do you recognize friends and family in the picture of the FBC choir? I would love to hear your stories, your thoughts and experiences.