Christine Rosander Recording Studio

Dear Music Family,

I’m so excited! Our first day in the studio was aaaamaaazing! Oh my gosh, where to begin?

It was better than I even dreamed it could be and I’m so grateful to all of you, my co-creators and angels who joined with me to make “Been a Long Time” a reality. I brought all of you along with me into the studio. Every conversation I had with each of you during the Indiegogo campaign, all of the stories you shared about my mom, catching up with those of you I haven’t spoken to in a long time, all of it went into the songs we recorded. I felt all of you with me in the studio. All of your love and prayers carried my voice and the whole band up to heavenly heights!

When things are in alignment, it flows. If there were a word to describe how things went, that would be it, FLOW! We all had a blast making music together and sailed through 3 songs,  “Love is the Answer”, “That’s How the Story Goes” and “Inside this Body”. All of our preparation and pre-production paid off big time and it was thrilling to hear my beautiful vision come to life, I can’t wait for you to hear it!

A huge thanks to my team: Sara Chameides for assisting so I could focus on singing, Alex Martinez for some great shots and video to come (here are a few photos behind the scenes) and the whole band deserves some big hugs, high fives and kudos; Mick Taras, Paul Alexander Gonzalez, Doug Petty, Edwin Livingston and engineer Talley Sherwood and his lovely studio Tritone recording!

Sheet Music Recording Studio - Band Mick Taras Guitar Doug Petty Edwin Livingston small Christine & Edwin 4 Musicians

Okay, have got to prep for day 2. Stay tuned for more. Happy Thursday! Woot woot!

Cousins in Kingsburg
To my music family,

I hope your August is off to a good start.  What a whirlwind summer it’s been, filled with teaching, performing and planning for the upcoming album recording.  I’ve got so many updates!

Over the July 4th holiday, I went to a family reunion in Kingsburg, CA where I met up with cousins and family members that I hadn’t seen in many years.  I also had a chance to meet up with some of my mother’s old friends.  The Indiegogo campaign set off months of catching up with friends old and new.  This is one of the parts I love most, being able to harness the energy from each of these meetings.  Always, there are beautiful takeaways with information I hadn’t known about my family, or old stories with new twists that fill me up.  It’s been 5 years since my mother passed away and not a day goes by that I don’t think of her.  Jean Gatewood, one of my mother’s high school friends, took us down memory lane, sharing all of the antics my mother and she did in high school.  I’ve always thought of my mother as more reserved, so it was funny to hear ways in which she shined her light and a lovely way to honor her memory.

Speaking of honoring, I’ve had the chance to create and collaborate on some wonderful songs for the album that I think you will love!  “Soul and Bone” is a song I am writing with Patricia Bahia, a dear friend I made last summer while at Mary Gauthier’s songwriting workshop in Nashville.  The song is about when we go through all the trials and hardships, all the extraneous things get stripped away and we are left with who we truly are.  One of my favorite lines from the verse, “If freedom is nothing left to lose, then I am truly free” is so powerful.  There’s nothing like sharing and collaborating live.  Patricia and I sang our hearts out at Muse Café Music Night two weeks ago.  It was a magical night, with a wonderful impromptu group that gathered to give their feedback.  I’ve so enjoyed meeting some of you from Facebook in person!

This coming weekend, I will be performing at The Hangar in the OC fair, with Paul McCartney and Wings Band Tribute on Friday evening.  Please stop by if you have a chance, there are still a few tickets left.  Doors open at 7:30pm, show at 8:30pm.  We’re going to be rocking out so come join us!

Last but not least, we are off to the races to record in 2 weeks at the studio. I am in great company with some stellar musicians, Mick Taras, Doug Petty, Edwin Livingston, Paul Alexander Gonzales and I’m so excited that Aaron Sterling will be joining us too.  He’s played with John Mayer and Taylor Swift, to name a few and my favorite duo of all time, The Civil Wars!  I will send another update next week with more details.  I’m off to get ready for Wings Band for now….

Until next time!

With much love,


Singing Sultry

Hello my music family,

I hope you all had a beautiful Mother’s Day.  I sang “Honey For My Soul” at church and the piano recital I had for my students.  So many people came up after church to share how touched they were.  I wrote this song about my mom, but really, it is for all mothers and how we “mother”.  Here is a part of the lyrics.  “She taught me how to sing and play all the songs within her heart, brings me joy and comfort now that we are apart.”  

This is me singing my story…about us…about you.  All of our stories are different and the same.  It is all based on love.  And it is your love that has brought me here.  Thanks for being my angel.  With your help this past week, we made our first stretch goal of booking the studio.

We are halfway into week 2 and a little over 40% funded. 

Woo hoo! But we are not out of the woods yet. 

I equate the studio to building a house.  We’ve poured the foundation, but now we need to raise the funds to frame the building, doors, windows and all.  Everything involved in actually completing the album comes next.

I am holding the vision for guest musicians to come play with us, to have the best environment possible, not only technically but also creatively.  Think of it as an old-fashioned barn raising, but a musical one.  No one can barn raise on their own.

That’s where you come in.  Please pledge and continue to get the word out to your community.

I can promise you one heck of a listening party when this campaign closes!

What you can do

Click here to go to Christine’s IndieGogo Campaign.

Watch The Video.  Please pledge!  Any amount will help. It all begins in the heart. If my music has ever moved you, this is the moment to pay it forward. Help me share it with the world.  Be my record label.  Be my voice.

Here’s how it works

Watch The Video. Pledge!

Pledges begin at just $10! For the price of 2 lattes from Starbucks, you will have my eternal ♡ and gratitude! It will take less than 1 minute to help make my soul’s calling a reality!

With all my ♡ & gratitude always!



Help Me SIng My Heart Out!

Dear Beautiful Friends,

Guess what? I woke up this morning to 32% funded! YOU, my dear community— is helping move this album forward.

Guess what is even more exciting? If we get to 40% funded we can book the recording studio this weekend.


40% funded will allow me to:

  • book the studio
  • confirm scheduling
  • book the musicians


Watch The Video

Help me by visualizing that sweet goal of 40% so I can book the studio this weekend!

Please pledge.  Any amount will help.  It all begins in the heart.  If my music has ever moved you, this is the moment to pay it forward.

Help me share it with the world!

With all my ♡ & gratitude,



Jumping For Joy
Dear Beautiful Souls!

I have some exciting news to share and I’m jumping for joy! Click here to Watch The Video and find out what it is!

Ever since I was a little girl, singing and creating music has made me feel alive.  I feel playful and joyful and a part bigger than myself comes forward.

It is my soul’s calling and what makes my heart sing!

You’ve heard me blog about this time and time again. That we are not immune to the ups and downs called life. Each one of us has come up against struggles and tough times in life that seem impossible to overcome.

I too have been there, but I’ve also experienced great love and the beauty in life that has kept my heart open. This is the part I need your help with.

Help me make a soul’s calling a reality. I need your help to make my next album!

I want to serve in a bigger way and you’re going to keep me accountable to my soul’s calling.  Take these next steps with me and be a part of my album!

With you as my community, my co-creators, my band of angels, all things are possible!

What you can do

Click here to Watch The Video. Please pledge. Any amount will help. It all begins in the heart. If my music has ever moved you, this is the moment to pay it forward. Help me share it with the world. Be my record label. Be my voice.

Here’s how it works

Watch The Video. Pledge!
Pledges begin at just $10! For the price of 2 lattes from Starbucks, you will have my eternal ♡ and gratitude!

It will take less than 1 minute to help make my soul’s calling a reality!

With all my ♡ & gratitude always!


Dear beautiful souls,

Can you believe 2015 is almost over?  I’ve been reflecting on all of the goodness that’s happened in 2015, creativity being a key word. My dad’s 80th birthday is at the top of the list. Not only because I love and adore him, but I love surprises!   For his surprise party, I put together a family photo shoot, pictures for a slide show and all the songs we were going to sing.  Everything fed my soul and I was in full creative producer mode.

This was also a big travel year for me. I took a creative big leap in participating in two songwriting workshops.  First it was off to Florida to collaborate with Phil Madeira and then to Nashville to write with Mary Gauthier.  Later in the year, I returned to Nashville for Americana Fest. It was a way to say I believe in myself and honor my creative gifts and step up my game.

Have you ever done anything that scared you to pieces and at the same time you knew it was what you had to do?

Music has always been my calling and at the same time, as I am called to dream bigger and rise above my fears, there are still times where I feel scared.

Scared. And being asked to trust again.

That’s where you come in.

This fall I’ve poured my heart and soul into working on my video for a Kickstarter campaign that I’ll be launching next year to fund my next album.  I’ve learned so much about myself and my purpose in the process. I’ve also learned that it means the world to me to share my music with the world and you. I know that Spirit has my back and love continues to guide me every time I get into “worry” mode.

Stay tuned, as the launch gets closer as I will be asking for your feedback and help.

You mean the world to me. Without you, there would be no one to share my love of music with. So this holiday season, I want to share with you an exclusive, unreleased, just for you song!  It’s called “My Heart Believes It’s So” and it’s a reminder to trust and live from your heart, an assurance that divine love and protection surround you.

Download it here.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday filled with all you dream of!

Sarah and Christine

I recently saw my student Sarah perform at the El Rey Theater in Los Angeles; she headlined with her band “Superhumanoids”. I am happy and thrilled I got to see her shine. Her band had the number one song on KCRW and I am so proud of her!

El Rey Marquee     Sarah at the El Rey

I taught Sarah from the age of 13 through college. We’ve always known that Sarah had a “special something”. Like any teenager, there can be resistance and fear in pursuing something, but Sarah found an outlet in her music.  She wrote about loss in a song about her dog Charlie, she wrote about missing him. Her next song was about mean girls in high school and peer pressure (something we all experience).

Here is what Sarah’s Mom Debbie had to say,

Christine not only taught Sarah music composition, ways to perfect her voice skills, writing and lyrics, she taught her confidence. At 15, Sarah recorded her songs professionally in a studio. This led her to a life long love affair with music.

Sarah left for college and a year abroad in Paris. She then decided to return home to continue her study of music. Christine played a crucial role in a pivotal point in Sarah’s life, working daily with Sarah to get her ready for her audition for Thornton School of Music. Christine was at her side the day Sarah performed in front of some of the most talented musical instructors at the school.

Fast forward to today.  Sarah’s band signed a record label contract!

We have Christine’s guidance and teaching to thank for this. My husband and I will always be grateful to Christine.”

Teaching is fulfilling in so many ways, but especially when I get to see a student bloom into her fullest potential. Now the world gets to enjoy Sarah’s music and every time I hear her song on KCRW, I feel like a little part of me is with her too. I am truly grateful.

Everyday, I wake up and thank God for this opportunity to show up and serve and for the two mentors who inspired me to teach, my Mom and Mrs. Perla Warren, my beloved college music teacher.  I want to be that person to inspire you and help you discover your wonderful gifts, just like they did for me. It is never to late to follow your passion and become your best self! Just look at Sarah!

Sarah, Mom, Debbie, Dad

Christine Rosander Homepage

Happy September!  I’m so excited to be back in touch with you.   The last 4 months have been a whirlwind of activities filled with lots of music and a new website! Drumroll…. Leave me a comment about your favorite on the site and I will send you a special unreleased track from me.

What I’ve been up to:

On Mother’s day I held my student recital for the first time at Steinway Piano Gallery in Beverly Hills. We played on the 600,000th Steinway made, such a stunning work of art.
Look at all of my proud students!

Summer was all about travel! We celebrated my dad’s 80th with lots of music and a family portrait that captures the inspiration behind so many of my songs. Then it was off to Nashville to work with Mary Gauthier on songwriting. A wonderful teacher and mentor, everything Mary shared resonated deeply with me and validated the path I am on.  I made some amazing new friends who already feel like we’ve known each other forever, and are collaborating for some shows in LA so stay tuned!

Dad & Christine 80th Birthday Dana, Dad, Chris

Next, it was back up to Sacramento to shoot the video for my Kickstarter campaign. Yes, I am gearing up to record a new album! Woot woot! Here are some behind the scenes shots.

Day 1 Kickstarter Video Day 2 Kickstarter Video Sara-Christine-Ruby

I will post more when I get back from Nashville for the Americana Music Festival, where I will continue my journey from last summer of sharing my gift with the world. A year ago, I met Joe Henry, Jamestown Revival, Cassandra Wilson, Phil Madeira and Jim Lauderdale. I wonder what this year will bring? This year, Ry Cooder and Rhiannon Giddens are on my radar 🙂 Just sayin…we never know what the future brings when we are open!

Cassandra Wilson Jamestown Revival Jim Lauderdale Joe Henry

On the _Blue Carpet_

Two years ago April, on a most amazing night, Spirit showed me dreams DO come true! Lexi began studying voice with me 11 years ago. Little did we know, she would be singing my song “Traveling Mercy” at the Light Up The Blues Concert, sending love and healing to thousands affected by Autism.

I was there right along side Lexi, just the two of us on stage, playing piano and singing harmonies. And yes, we rocked the Nokia Theater! The evening raised over $250,000 for children with autism. The night was made into a concert film that captures the love and music of Lexi and me, Crosby, Stills and Nash, Lucinda Williams, Don Felder, Rickie Lee Jones, Chris Stills and Jack Black.

You can get the movie on iTunes and all the proceeds benefit Autism Speaks.

I am excited to be attending this year’s LUTB concert that will be held at the Pantages Theater in Hollywood on Saturday, April 25th.

I am so proud of Lexi! My students are important to me and I’m thrilled to pass along all I’ve learned and share the healing power of music. Here’s what Lexi’s mom had to say:

“Lexi has a beautiful voice, an ability to memorize lyrics easily and an “ear” for music.  She also has autism.  Until Lexi began to work weekly with Christine, she was unable to successfully process information, take direction, and transition from activity to activity (including singing a song) without a great deal of support.  With the patient and loving guidance of Christine, along with the healing power of music, Lexi has blossomed and found her “voice”.

Lexi’s singing reminds us that if we remain present, lose judgment and share our gifts without thought of getting something in return, maybe then, love could prevail.”

Love rules! I love what I do and I am so proud of my students! Exciting things are coming up in the next couple of months; my student recital is going to be at the brand new Steinway Piano Gallery in Beverly Hills. In June I am headed to Nashville to work on songwriting with Mary Gauthier! I can hardly wait…stay tuned for more!

Song Writers Festival

This year is starting off in alignment with my purpose – sharing my music with the world! A continuation of my trip to Nashville in September, where I felt called to attend the Americana Music Festival. I went without an agenda in mind, trusting my gut to lead me to different shows and venues. There, I met a United Methodist Pastor, Paul Nulton, who loves Americana as much as I do. Pastor Paul and I became friends and he invited me to listen to Phil Madeira’s set and made an introduction. There was no way I would have found Phil on my own, this was definitely Spirit at work! We have kept in touch and Phil recently invited me to come to Florida to his Mercyland Songwriting Workshop at 30A.

Song writing touches my soul and lifts my spirits. When I am writing, it takes me to a place where I can leave my cares behind and get lost in the moment. This is my wish for you, to be lost in the moment when you are listening to my songs and that your worries too will be left behind.

So in two days I will be traveling Florida to do two of my favorite things! Not only will I be writing songs, I will be performing with Phil and some of the songwriters at the 30A Songwriter’s Festival, alongside the likes of Graham Nash, Leon Russell, Indigo Girls and Rodney Crowell.

Today, I ask you what it means to be following your vision, to be on purpose and authentic to your heart’s calling. Take a big leap with me and do what feeds your soul and makes your heart sing!

Leave your comments below and join me for the performance in Florida, there will be a live stream so you can listen in!

Tuesday – Jan 13th, 2015
The Listening Living Room at Grayt Coffee House
6 – 9 pm central standard time
Live audio/video streaming with Leslie Kolovich on Hounddog Radio